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As I step a little deeper into Lent today,

let me be mindful of the temptations and tests,

the wild beasts and desires of my appetites,

that come my way.

As Jesus was tempted in the wilderness,

I may be tempted to indulge my physical hunger,

but let me remember that

'One does not live by bread alone.’

When the things of the earth entice me a little too much,

and I place value on the transitory nature of earthly joy

let me remember to worship you, The Lord my God,

and serve only You.

As I turn my face to you today,

to see only your beauty and truth.

Lead me home to the place I belong,

with You, in You, immersed in Your loveliness.

‘The word is near you,

on your lips and in your heart.’

~ Romans 10:8

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